Call for Abstract

World Conference on Vaccine and Immunology, will be organized around the theme “The Next Generation Approach of Vaccine and Immunology”

World Vaccine Meet 2018 is comprised of 18 tracks and 90 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in World Vaccine Meet 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Vaccines should be of highest standard of safety. The health authority’s testes extensively ensure that they are effective and safe.  It is a prime concern by the vaccine manufacturers, immunization providers, for the public and recipients of vaccines. Vaccines and pharmaceutical products undergo extensive safety and efficacy tests  .They are developed to meet the highest standards and are continually monitored for safety and effectiveness.

  • Track 1-1Drug reaction
  • Track 1-2Development of Pandemic Vaccine
  • Track 1-3Safety in immunization programmes

Vaccines are administered in our body for prevention or treatment. Whenever vaccines get induced into   our body it right away produces antibodies in opposition to the germ. Immunization works to make someone resistant to something. Natural immunity occurs simplest after one recovers from real sickness 

  • Track 2-1Live, attenuated vaccine ( MMR combined vaccine, Rota-virus, Yellowpox , Smallpox, Chickenpox )
  • Track 2-2Inactivated ,killed vaccine (Hepatitis A, Flu, Polio, Rabies)
  • Track 2-3Toxoid vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus)
  • Track 2-4Subunit , conjugate vaccine ( Hib , Hepatitis B, HPV ,Whooping cough ,Pneumococcal , Meningococcal )
  • Track 2-5Active immunity
  • Track 2-6Passive immunity
  • Track 2-7Adaptive immunity
  • Track 2-8Innate immunity
  • Track 2-9Innate immunity
  • Track 2-10Host resistance
  • Track 2-11Veterinary bacterial vaccines

Vaccination is an administration of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system thereby protecting from infectious and non-infectious diseases. Vaccination is highly preferable method for protecting from infectious and non-infectious disease such as Measles, Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Flu, Polio, Pneumococcal Disease, Tetanus, Meningococcal Disease, Hepatitis B, Mumps, Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B), Smallpox, Rabies, Rotavirus, Pertussis,  Chickenpox, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) . Since prevention is better than cure there is always strive for prevention through vaccination and immunization. There are different types of vaccines which differ for each pathogen or diseases. Government and Non-government organization need to join forces to ensure that these new or improved vaccines are fully developed and become accessible to the populations in need as quickly as possible Influenza vaccines

  • Track 3-1Influenza vaccines
  • Track 3-2Bordetella vaccine
  • Track 3-3OPV vaccine
  • Track 3-4Rubella vaccine
  • Track 3-5Pneumonia vaccine
  • Track 3-6Meningococcal , Menactra vaccine

Immunology is branch of medical and biological studies which deals with study of immune system ,immune system is one in which protects from various lines of defence.

  • Track 4-1Classical immunology
  • Track 4-2 Clinical immunology
  • Track 4-3Developmental immunology
  • Track 4-4Diagnostic immunology
  • Track 4-5 Cancer immunology
  • Track 4-6Reproductive immunology
  • Track 4-7Theoretical immunology

Immunotoxicology is the activity of immune function and increased sensitivity to infections and therapeutic drug.  Advances in basic immunology have made it clear that allergy, immunosuppression and, in some cases, autoimmunity, is a matter of polarization of the immune response by immunotoxicants, rather than independent outcomes of chemical exposure

  • Track 5-1Paediatric health risk
  • Track 5-2Host resistance
  • Track 5-3Inflammation
  • Track 5-4Immunosuppression

Clinical Immunology has evolved over the past 20 years from a predominant laboratory base to a combined clinical and laboratory specialty. The clinical work of Immunologists is essentially out-patient based and involves primary immunological disorder, allergy, autoimmune rheumatic disease and hypersensitivity with joint paediatric clinics for children with immunodeficiency and allergy and immunoglobulin infusion clinics for patients with antibody deficiency. On the laboratory front, authorized Immunologists are responsible for directing diagnostic immunology services and perform a wide range of duties including clinical liaison, interpretation and validation of results, quality assurance and assay development.

  • Track 6-1Immunoglobulin
  • Track 6-2Immunodeficiency
  • Track 6-3Autoimmunity
  • Track 6-4Allografts
  • Track 6-5Antibody deficiency

Immunopathogenesis is the process of diseases development relating to the immune system or the development of the disease affected by immune system

  • Track 7-1Major Histocompatibility Complex
  • Track 7-2Celiac Disease
  • Track 7-3Hypersensitivity Reaction

It is emerging and important field which intersects between computational approaches and experimental immunology. A large volume of data relevant to immunology research has accumulated due to sequencing of genomes of the human and other model organisms or it is applying informatics techniques to study the molecules of the immune system

  • Track 8-1Immunological database
  • Track 8-2Immune system function
  • Track 8-3Host responses
  • Track 8-4Allergies
  • Track 8-5Cancer informatics

Producing efficient and safety vaccines includes upstream and downstream processing .to reduce the cost per dose and also to cope the increasing demands, to increase the product yields there is an establishment of certain technologies is involved such as process analytics, use of disposables for campaign-based vaccine manufacturing. Simplification of industrialization involves cycle times; transport all phrases of vaccine development, final release vaccine product and process during manufacture

  • Track 9-1Vaccine delivery system and adjuvants
  • Track 9-2Production of vaccines
  • Track 9-3Development of Vaccines
  • Track 9-4DNA, synthetic vaccines
  • Track 9-5Recombinant vaccine

It is the branch of immunology that deals with the total destruction of the malignant stem cells. Research on types of stem cells has contributed towards a revolution in regenerative medicine and cancer therapies .This results in possibility of generating multiple therapeutically useful cell types and these new cells could be useful for treating numerous genetic and degenerative disorders and diseases.  Stem cell immunology helps in treating immune system disorders, Genetic diseases, age related functional defects, heart failures, disorders and cancer there has been unprecedented interest in stem cell research mainly because of their true potential to cure the incurable diseases

  • Track 10-1Immunogenicity of stem cells
  • Track 10-2Strategies to inhibit immune rejection to allograft stem cells
  • Track 10-3Immune responses to cancer stem cells
  • Track 10-4Mesenchyme stem cells in immune regulation

Vaccinology is science of vaccines, and historically vaccine technology, immunogens, the host immune response, delivery technologies, manufacturing, and clinical evaluation. Recently the science has developed further to include the vaccine safety, vaccine efficiency its clinical trials, ethics, storage. Veterinary vaccines are equally important in the field of vaccinology for their contribution not only to animal health but also to the security of the food supply for humans. Although traditionally vaccinology has focused on infectious diseases, as we move forward in the twenty-first century vaccines will also potentially make significant contributions to the control of non-infectious diseases such as cancers, neurodegenerative diseases and addictions.

  • Track 11-1Reverse vaccinology
  • Track 11-2Structural vaccinology
  • Track 11-3Immune tolerance
  • Track 11-4Immunology of resistance
  • Track 11-5Immunodeficiency
  • Track 11-6Immunotherapies
  • Track 11-7Immunopathology

Immunodiagnostics is a diagnostic method which diagnosis the disease caused by infectious microorganisms, immunoassays have been developed. This relies on antigen-antibody reaction for detection of the disease. Immunologic methods are used as tools to treat and prevent of  diseases such as infectious and immune-mediated diseases

  • Track 12-1Infectious disease
  • Track 12-2Avidity and Affinity
  • Track 12-3Humoral
  • Track 12-4Antibody

\ Traditionally vaccines are designed to prevent disease, researchers are working on therapeutic vaccines, and vaccine plays important role in prevention but now vaccinations to treat the diseases after getting it. Now vaccines mostly used to treat cancer by recognising proteins that are on particular cancer cells .Immune system recognise it and attack those particular cancer cells

  • Track 13-1Alum internalization
  • Track 13-2Antigen targeting
  • Track 13-3Immunomodulation

Vaccines are mainly for older adults. If old immune system weakens, it can be more difficult to fight against infections and diseases. There is possibility of diseases like the flu, pneumonia, and shingles also disease which leads to long-term illness, hospitalization, and even death. Important Health condition like diabetes or heart disease is also getting vaccinated.  Vaccines prevents from serious diseases so that we can stay healthy

  • Track 14-1Immunization and its side effects in Geriatrics
  • Track 14-2Vaccine dosing and administration in older adults
  • Track 14-3Risk factors in Geriatric immunization

The main goal to produce veterinary vaccine is to improve the health of the animals also its welfare. By increasing the production of veterinary vaccines, the animal to human transmitted diseases from both domestic and wildlife can be prevented. The infectious diseases that get transmitted to humans from animals can be prevented. Major role in preventing animal diseases includes reducing the animal suffering, enabling efficient food production, to greatly produce antibodies for animals to prevent it from any kind of diseases 

  • Track 15-1Veterinary viral vaccines
  • Track 15-2Veterinary against Zoonotic bacteria
  • Track 15-3Veterinary parasite vaccines
  • Track 15-4Veterinary vaccines for non-infectious diseases
  • Track 15-5Vaccines for fertility and production control

Vaccines against drug works by inducing drug-specific antibodies in the bloodstream that binds and blocks its entry into the brain. The majority of work has been vaccines and antibodies directed against cocaine and nicotine. The antibodies elicited against the drug can take up the drug and prevent it from reaching the reward centres in the brain. Few such vaccines entered clinical trials, but research is going on under vaccine against drugs. Many studies are very promising and more clinical trials should be coming out in the near future.

  • Track 16-1Drug molecules and immune system
  • Track 16-2Morphine and heroine vaccine
  • Track 16-3Methamphetamine vaccine
  • Track 16-4Nicotine vaccines
  • Track 16-5Cocaine vaccine
  • Track 16-6Hapten structure ,Linkage Chemistry

The idea of plant and animal based totally vaccines motivates us to broaden attainable industrial vaccines, there are a few problems in accomplishing the very last purpose and to fabricate an authorised product. The progress toward commercialization of plant-based and animal based vaccines takes tons effort and time, however vaccines to be used in humans and animals are in scientific trials. despite the fact that plant-based totally vaccines offer many benefits to the vaccine enterprise non-stop efforts are nevertheless taking place so as to produce efficient vaccine for plenty human and animals related diseases

  • Track 17-1Bio therapeutics in vaccination
  • Track 17-2Vaccines under research ,development and support
  • Track 17-3Innovations and clinical trials
  • Track 17-4Transplantation vaccines

Before vaccines are used, they are tested for clinical trials in thousands and are strictly monitored for safety. The results of these clinical trials form the foundation for on-going testing and monitoring that lasts for the lifetime of each vaccine. Vaccine sponsors tests for its safety through further clinical trials and vaccine adverse events and detailed surveillance of disease. New vaccine is manufactured then it undergoes safety testing until it is licensed for further use

  • Track 18-1Improving both the quality and quantity of the delivery of vaccination services
  • Track 18-2Minimizing financial burdens for needy persons
  • Track 18-3Increasing community awareness, participation, education, and partnership
  • Track 18-4Improving disease monitoring and vaccination coverage
  • Track 18-5Developing new or improved vaccines and improving the use of vaccines