Call for Abstract

3rd World Conference on Vaccine and Immunology, will be organized around the theme “Theme : "Vaccine isn’t mean it will keep your cells clean!"”

World Vaccine Meet 2021 is comprised of 13 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in World Vaccine Meet 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Corona viruses are positive sense single stranded RNA viruses that cause infection in nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It belongs to family of SARS and MERS. COVID-19 is the illness caused by SARS-COV-2, first outbreak occur Wuhan city in China.

Understanding the instruments that underlie recently emerging and reappearing irresistible sicknesses (EID) is quite possibly the most troublesome logical issues confronting society today. Recently arising infections brought about by altogether novel or already undetected microorganisms, like HIV/AIDS, SARS, and hantavirus, or those whose methods of transmission are right now under investigation, as on account of Ebola and Nipah, address one more huge test. Absolutely the instruments or cycles of illness development include factors notwithstanding those at sub-atomic and cell levels. . These incorporate environment, precipitation, sea and air course examples, and outrageous climate occasions, just as the nature of the microbes' repositories and vectors, to be specific those elements related with bigger scope instruments and the unique conduct of biological systems in which parasite (microorganism) and host connections are installed.          

Since last two centuries vaccines are known to provide a safe and effective means by preventing various infectious diseases. But safety of some vaccines are questioned in recent years, the currently available vaccines are million-fold safer than the diseases they are designed to prevent. However, vaccines should always be used along with public health interventions. One most important intervention is having proper knowledge about the vaccine as public might believe that vaccines are unsafe and not needed. Some vaccines are given via injection (intraveinous, subcutaneous, intramuscular and peritoneal) while others are given orally and intranasally. New vaccines are also investigated for topical and intravaginal use. In future safe and effective vaccines will be developed for preventing number of bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan diseases.

The Vaccine that are being used in the here and now primarily comprise of slaughtered immunizations, live attenuated vaccines or sub-unit immunizations. These sorts of Vaccine have demonstrated to be powerful especially in reducing the clinical indication following openness to destructive field strains of the pathogens. Nonetheless, just a set number of viral diseases can be forestalled by live constricted viral antibodies state and most DNA-containing viruses have the possibility to set up tenacious (or inert) contamination. New popular strains may emerge by recombination of the antibody infection with other viral strains in creature populaces; pregnant animals or their posterity might be antagonistically influenced by the immunization strain. Certain clearly a virulent viral strains can return to destructiveness, either by have instigated proteolysis or surface proteins of the phenotype, as in the actuation of the HN and F0 proteins of flu infection or by changes in the genotype, as in the inversion of weakened oral Sabin poliovirus Vaccine.          

There are different types of vaccines. Each particular type is designed to teach our immune system how to fight with certain kinds of germs and the serious disease they cause. Vaccines are created based on certain considerations like

  • How our immune systems respond to germs?
  • Who need to get vaccinated against the germs?
  • What should be the best or suitable technology to create vaccines?

Based on number of such factors, scientists decide which type vaccine they will create. There several different vaccines which include;

  1. Inactivated vaccines
  2. Live attenuated vaccines
  3. Sub-unit, recombinant, polysaccharides and conjugate vaccines
  4. Toxoid vaccines
  5. Viral vector vaccines

Immunogenetics is the branch of immunology that deals with the study of genetic basis of immune response. It also deals with study of normal immunological pathways and identification of genetic variation that leads to immune defects, which further leads to identification of new therapeutic targets for immune diseases. Immune tolerance is a state of immune system where it unrespond to a substance or tissue that has the capacity to generate immune response in a organism.

Immuno-informatics is the study of molecules of the immune system by using informatics techniques. It helps in efficient and effective predictions of immunogenicity. This is done at the level of epitopes, subunit vaccines, or weakend or inactive pathogens. Immunogenicity is the ability of the pathogen or a part or molecule of pathogen to induce specific immune response when first exposed to surveillance by the immune system.

Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system’s response to infection and injury. It is body’s way of signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue and also defend itself against foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria and fungi. Immunotherapy is the biological therapy that helpsin treating disease either by activating or suppressing immune system.

Immunology is the field of biomedical science that deals with the structure and functions of immune system in all organisms. The immune system provides protection against infection through various lines of defence. If immune system is not functional it leads to several diseases like allergy, cancer and auto immune diseases. Immune system is basically categorised into two types: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Adaptive immunity further classified into humoral and cell mediated immunity.

It is the regulatory adjustment of the immune system. It is nothing but a balance between activation and suppression of effector cell to achieve an efficient immune response without damaging the host organism. It can be 2 types.

  • Natural-Homeostasis, where immune system self regulates to adjust immune responses
  • Human induced forms-Immune responses are induced, amplified, attenuated and prevented according to therapeutic goals.

DNA antibodies depend on the exchange of hereditary material, encoding an antigen, to the cells of the immunization beneficiary. Regardless of exclusive requirements of DNA antibodies because of promising preclinical information their clinical utility remaining parts dubious. Nonetheless, much information is accumulated in preclinical and clinical examinations about the wellbeing of DNA immunizations. Here we survey current information about the security of DNA antibodies. Wellbeing worries of DNA antibodies identify with hereditary, immunologic, poisonous, and ecological impacts. In this audit we give an outline of discoveries identified with the wellbeing of DNA antibodies, gotten up until now. We presume that the likely dangers of DNA antibodies are negligible. Nonetheless, their wellbeing issues may contrast one case at a time case, and they ought to be dealt with appropriately.

Scientist have made breakthrough in bio-processing and analytical techniques to support vaccine development. These technologies have helped vaccine manufacturers achieve constant product purity, quality rapidly and inexpensive. Although interest in the development and manufactures of vaccines continues to grow due to the rapid growth of the global vaccine market, this area of the biotech industry is still remain challenging and complex.

Vaccine development is an activity which focuses on various technological initiatives and applied research that enhances and promotes improved systems and practices for safety of vaccines. Vaccine development is the long, complex and tedious process that last for 10-15 years, involving both private and public.